The High Performance Journal

Doing This Will Set Your Brain On Fire (in a good way) 🔥

Aug 24, 2022

Work has been a bit busy as of late. I've been spending more time at the desk than I'd like.

It's as if I'm on the go all the time but I'm just running from one zoom meeting to another. The more time I spend at the desk the more my back aches & stress I feel when I'm done the work day.

So I've been doing something simple in the middle of the day that is setting my brain and energy on fire (in a good way).

In the last email I told you about the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to their brain health.

Today I want to share a simple tip to help you feel more energized, productive while decreasing your stress levels.

If you're reading this chances are you sit for long periods of time.

Most jobs have gone from being laborious in nature to sitting at desks for 8 hours a day.

This isn't to say that there aren't manual labour jobs out there.

It is to say that we've evolved from moving on a regular basis to sitting. The proper term is called "being sedentary".

As you read in the last email lack of movement can have a negative effect on your mind.

Do this enough times and your brain starts to atrophy. There's less blood flow, your neurons won't make as many connections & you aren't stimulating critical areas of the brain.

There's a process in the brain called neuroplasticity. It's the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections in response to learning or experience.

In simple terms, it's your brains ability to adapt to experiences and life.

Research is showing that we can create new brain cells well into our old age if only we do the right things.

One of the best things you could do to boost your brain is cardiovascular exercise.

Cardio can keep your brain young.

A study done at the University of British Columbia found that aerobic exercise boosts the size of your hippocampus, which is an area of the brain responsible for memory & learning.

It also activates a molecule called BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which helps repair brain cells and helps create new brain cells.

I've been scheduling a mid afternoon cardio session or light walk as a way to "reset" my work day.

Each time I come back from a session I feel more energized and am 2x more productive compared to sitting down and watching videos on my phone.

Mind you, that I said cardio. Not lifting.

When I lift heavy weights my brain gets janky. I'm aiming to hit records in the gym and this saps up my central nervous system.

It's why I push my lifting towards the end of my work day.

Doing a session of 15-20 minutes of cardio is enough to stimulate my brain and have me ready for the rest of the work day.

Now if you can't find yourself sweating in the middle of the day you could go for a simple walk around the block.

For my clients we opt to do meetings while walking because it's a great way to "kill two birds with one stone".

There are many creative ways you could do this.

Aside from the tips I gave in the last email this is one that will have a significant impact on your day.

Today, if you're feeling low on energy try doing some cardio or a do a walk to jolt your brain into action.

You'll give a boost to your brain, workout your lungs & heart and decrease stress while burning a few calories.

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.

- Dan

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